REALTORs® donate to christmas care

Acting on behalf of the St Thomas and Elgin County Members of LSTAR, Earl Taylor, who sits on LSTAR's Board of Directors representing the City of St Thomas, as well as REALTOR® Jim Harris presented Christmas Care Coordinator Andreanna Collins with a cheque for $985, a sum that included a $500 donation from LSTAR, along with a cart full of non-perishable food.

Christmas Care Cheque Presentation

Christmas Care provides holiday hampers to people in need and relies on donations of non-perishable food, toys, and money. This year, Christmas Care hopes to help over 1,500 local families, each of which will receive a care box that includes a turkey or ham and a week's worth of food, along with toys for every child and teenager.

"Over the past 4 years, we have donated almost $8,500 along with a few hundred pounds of non-perishable food to Christmas Care," says Taylor. "REALTORS® are all about building better communities and what better way to do that than to take care of the less fortunate among us, especially children?"