REALTORs® plant nearly 400 trees

ReForest London and over 60 Members of the London and St Thomas Association of REALTORS® and their families took advantage of yesterday's unseasonably warm weather to plant nearly 400 native trees and shrubs in Springbank Flats.  "The flats separate a busy street from Greenway Park," explains Heather Arnott, Chair of LSTAR's Quality of Life Advisory Group, which recommended the project to LSTAR's Board of Directors. "Having this beautiful natural barrier will enhance the experience of people visiting the park along with all the many other benefits trees confer on a community."

REALTOR Tree Planting Day Picture

To optimize London's environmental and human health, ReForest London is partnering with the City of London and community partners such as LSTAR on the Million Tree Challenge with a goal of planting one million trees over the next ten years. LSTAR signed onto the Challenge in 2011.

"LSTAR adheres to a Quality of Life philosophy that has as two of its five principles preserving our environment and building better communities," explains Arnott.  "The REALTOR® Tree Planting Day advances both those principles, which makes it a great fit for us."

The Executive Director of ReForest London, Dean Sheppard was also on hand to greet the tree planters.