In 2023, LSTAR has awarded its prestigious "Lyn Coupland" Outstanding Service Award to a longstanding Member of our Association. The award recognizes those individuals whose service to the Association the LSTAR Executive Committee deems to be above and beyond the call of duty.
Jack Lane from Oak & Key Real Estate Brokerage was honoured with the award at the Association's Annual General Meeting on June 27, 2023.
Jack served two terms as LSTAR President, in 2011 and 2021. He has sat on numerous boards and committees that have been instrumental for the evolution and progression of Real Estate in London. Jack is the Chair of LSTAR’s Political Affairs Committee and Chair of the LSTAR Interboard Relations Committee. He also serves on LSTAR’s Discipline, Governance and Nomination Committees. In addition, Jack previously served as LSTAR’s 2004, 2005, and 2015 Commercial Director.
Jack has been a true servant to the local community and a proud supporter of the Merrymount Family Crisis Centre, Youth Opportunities Unlimited, Unity Project, Mission Services and St. Joseph's Hospice.